How to get ready for a sorority formal/date party

3 min readDec 7, 2022

Any girl who has joined a sorority will need to get ready for the college formal and date party season.

Sorority formals and date parties are similar to high school homecoming dances and proms, where you’ll get a dress, get your hair and makeup done, get a fresh spray tan, invite someone as your date and look forward to a crazy and fun night of socializing with sisters, friends, and dates and taking the best pictures ever.

Here are some important tips and tricks to keep in mind as you put together your outfit and get party-ready for your formal/date party.

Step One: Order a dress

Whether you’re attending a formal or date party will depend on what kind of dress you order. Typically you will wear a short dress for a date party and a long dress for a formal. You can buy the best dresses for sorority events here: You also want to make sure to order your dress in advance so that it comes in time and so you can make sure it fits you!

Step Two: Invite someone to be your date to the event

This can be nerve-racking for some girls but don’t let it get the best of you, you can bring anyone you want and feel comfortable with. Don’t feel pressured to bring some guy you barely know. Bringing a friend you know well and know that you will have a blast with is always your best bet if you have any doubts or nerves. It’s also fun to bring someone new and a great way to meet more people on campus!

Step Three: Make a spray tan appointment

Who wants to look pale for pictures? Getting a spray tan is not a requirement, but it’s a must for me personally and all of my friends. There are also other options like hitting the tanning beds or even self-tanning. You’re going to be taking thousands of pictures with your sisters and your date and you want to look your best at these events so you’re going to want a fresh tan!

Step Four: Getting ready

It’s the day!! You must wake up early to get ready and fully prepared on time. You should begin the day by showering and washing off your self-tan or spray tan if you got one.

Step Five: Makeup

You can definitely make an appointment to get your makeup done at a salon if you really wanna look good but me and my friends usually just do our own or each other's! For date parties, you can stick to natural makeup but for formals, you can do a more glam look.

Step Six: Hair

Along with your makeup, you can also make an appointment to get your hair done at a salon but we typically do our own and it saves a lot of money! For date parties, you can stick to a simple hairstyle, either down, straightened, or curled but for formal, you can do fancier hairstyles if you would like.

Step Seven: Get dressed

The last step to getting ready is putting your dress on and completing your look by adding jewelry/accessories. And lastly, finish your look with a classy pair of heels.

Step Eight: Meet up with date and friends for pictures

Finally, once you’re ready, text your date and friends and head over to a beautiful spot on campus to take pictures!

Step Nine: Get your dance moves on and have an awesome night

This step is pretty self-explanatory. Have a fun and memorable night!

Thanks for reading my post! I hope you feel more prepared on how to get ready for future sorority formals/date parties and enjoyed my tips from my own experience.




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